Selasa, 18 September 2007

[APWKomitel] ... internet dan dunia telematika seharusnya netral ... no monopoly

internet bisa berkembang pesat ... sangat pesat merubah gaya hidup
kita dengan sangat cepat... karena sifatnya netral ... tidak ada
monopoli dan seharusnya kita perjuangkan agar jangan sampai ada vendor
memonopoli perkembangan internet global dan lokal juga aplikasi
seperti VOIP... seharusnya dunia software dan O/S pun demikian... dan
semoga dengan adanya Linux dan Open Source yang mulai membuat dunia
software kembali kondusif... salam, rr - apwkomitel
A call for Net neutrality debate in U.K. : By David Meyer

Story last modified Mon Sep 17 14:07:43 PDT 2007

The time has come for the United Kingdom to join the growing debate
surrounding Net neutrality, the president of the British Computer
Society told ZDNet UK.

Professor Nigel Shadbolt said late last week that, because so much of
the Internet's content is derived from the U.S., the U.K. and Europe
would be affected by any Net neutrality-related decisions made across
the Atlantic.

The term "Net neutrality" refers, in its most extreme sense, to the
idea that all bits are created equal and that Internet traffic should
under no circumstances be tiered in any way. Opponents of Net
neutrality argue that certain types of traffic are already necessarily
prioritized over other types--voice over Internet Protocol, or voIP,
is a frequently used example--and that to mandate Net neutrality would
limit both that functionality and the ability of Internet service
providers to charge different rates for different connection speeds.

Because Internet users in the U.S. tend to have a smaller range of
ISPs to choose from than do users in the U.K., the consensus in the
U.K. has been that Net neutrality is a U.S.-centric debate.

The U.K. government and the U.K.'s regulator, the Office of
Communications, have both argued that, with a competitive U.K. ISP
market to ensure choice and existing European Union legislation to
protect the customer, U.K. businesses and consumers have nothing to
worry about. However, Shadbolt argues that the time has arrived for
the U.K. and Europe to stop sitting on the fence.

"We might feel that we're happy with the degree of market force and
flexibility in the U.K., but...what is clear is that some of the major
content providers originate out of the U.S., and if things actually
became tiered in any sense we would feel the impact in the U.K. and
the EU," said Shadbolt. "When there are proposals floating around
before Congress or whatever, whatever your view, it is required to
examine the issues. It is a complex field."
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The Bush administration recently made it clear that it saw no need for
Net neutrality to be enshrined in legislation. A public filing by the
Department of Justice suggested that such regulation might
"inefficiently skew investment, delay innovation and diminish consumer

However, what worries many content providers in the U.S. is the
prospect of ISPs telling them to pay extra to have their traffic
prioritized--companies such as Google claim they already pay enough in
bandwidth costs on the server side--or even degrading the delivery of
certain content types to those users not willing to pay a premium.

"In broad terms, the presumption that content should be equally
accessible to all those at the point of being a node on the Internet
is seen as vital," said Shadbolt. "The other aspect of that is that
people are perfectly free to go out and buy superior bandwidth. That's
never been argued--nobody's arguing that there should be equivalence
there--(but) if you don't keep an eye on this and in some sense
monitor it (it becomes) a precedent for partitioning, which becomes
more explicitly built into the fabric of the infrastructure."

Shadbolt described as an "injunction" the presumption that the Web was
"all about making content visibly available to anybody who chooses to
take it and not have intrinsically built in a system of ways of
applying explicit filtering." But he also conceded that many people
had concerns about potentially heavy-handed Net neutrality legislation
having a negative effect.

"We can't not have the discussion," added Shadbolt. "It's not as if
it's of no relevance to us. What happens in the U.S. will make its way
here. Regulation can have a long reach in a different way than people

Tom Espiner of ZDNet UK reported from London.

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